The moment it happens
Being a Walden CIT is a right of passage, it’s a summer where you make the plunge from leaving your young camper days behind and make the leap to start your journey as a staff member. The self-reflection takes place, the decision on where your next steps in your Walden journey take place. You look at your cabinmates and thank the universe for all they’ve given you, and all you have given them. You look at your physical cabin and realize you will part ways, and become a bigger force wherever your individual paths take you.
For many of our CITs, this moment of reflection happens while exploring the beauty of camp, away from camp. You close your eyes atop a grand mountain, cliff or even a beautiful hiking trail and reflect on where you started and who you’ve become while away from your regular life. It’s more monumental than one would think, if you’re a parent reading this you need to pat yourself on the back; you’ve given your camper the space to become who they want to be amongst the angst and anxiety of our regular lives… you’ve done it… you’re DOING IT!!!
For many CITs being on your final canoe trip as a camper sheds light on where you want to be as a staff, what area of camp you want to bring the biggest impact, and giving back to the camp community that shaped who you are today. Walden has always been a canoe tripping camp; we take pride in our canoe trips, and even more, pride when it impacts an individual so much they decide tripping is their path.
The stories we hear during interview season mean we’re on the right path as camp; we’re doing exactly what our mission states, we stand tall knowing we push our Walden community towards their success, and feel so honoured every year a staff member returns home.
To our CITs of 2022, you’ve endured so much as a community, we’re proud of you and can’t wait to see you at your Walden interview.

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