These guys really love what they do, and it shows!
Leadership Team

Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team — all of whom provide guidance, support, and encouragement to the Camp Walden Staff — is composed of camp professionals whose backgrounds and experiences enable them to deal with the daily complexities of “operating” camp. Camp Walden’s leadership team meets regularly throughout the year to plan and prepare for the summer ahead. The Leadership Team is assembled in hopes that each team member can bring a unique perspective and expertise to our group.

Together, our team makes every effort to ensure that campers, families, and staff are afforded the best possible Camp Walden experience! It’s a big job to keep the Walden community happy, content, creative and allowing for lots of fun! Our Leadership Team is up to this challenge and we cannot emphasize how fortunate we feel in having these Walden personalities return summer after summer.

Picture of Howie, Co-owner. Howie

Howie Grossinger


Howie has focused much of his camp leadership on developing creative activities and training our staff to the highest standards. A former high school teacher, Howie has been a camp professional for over 30 years and has been positively impacting campers and staff as our “go-to guy” for creating and nurturing teamwork at camp. Howie is a past President of the Ontario Camps Association and continues to work with youth throughout the year as a club volleyball coach.

Howie and Sari play an important role in all aspects of Camp Walden’s operations in the off-season. During the summer, Howie & Sari are the Directors of Camp Robin Hood, in Markham, Ontario and are the link between home and Camp Walden for our Home & Away campers, as well as valuable resources during their weekend visits to camp.

Sari and Howie are the proud parents of Jordanna, Cole & Zane who all spent significant time at Camp Walden as campers and staff.

Picture of Howie, Co-owner.

Picture of Sari, Co-owner. Sari

Sari Grossinger


Sari has a deep appreciation for the value of camp as she is a 2nd generation camp professional as her parents have been in the industry for almost 60 years. She has been involved in every aspect of camp operations – from Swim Staff to CIT Coordinator and from Section Head to Camp Director. Her training as a Paediatric Occupational Therapist has allowed Sari to provide opportunities for children with special needs at Camp Robin Hood and Walden through our Camper Relations Program and gives her a unique perspective on the needs of campers in any environment.

Howie and Sari play an important role in all aspects of Camp Walden’s operations in the off-season. During the summer, Howie & Sari are the Directors of Camp Robin Hood, in Markham, Ontario and are the link between home and Camp Walden for our Home & Away campers, as well as valuable resources during their weekend visits to camp.

Sari and Howie are the proud parents of Jordanna, Cole & Zane who all spent significant time at Camp Walden as campers and staff.

Picture of Sari, Co-owner.

Picture of Sol, Co-owner and Camp Director. Sol

Sol Birenbaum

Co-owner and Camp Director

Sol is committed to providing the very best in creative camp programming. Sol will provide leadership to the various staff teams to assist them in realizing safe and effective programming. Sol has over twenty-five years of camping experience at Ontario camps as a Camper, Counsellor, Area Head, and Director, as well as training and certification as a teacher. Sol makes every effort to hire a committed and highly skilled staff to facilitate camp activities. Sol’s other major focus is on the families of our Walden community. He communicates with families about their questions, cares, or concerns throughout the year and summer. Sol holds a Bachelor of Education degree and is a past recipient of the Ron Johnstone Memorial Award given annually by the Ontario Camping Association recognizing outstanding contributions in the field of camping.

Picture of Sol, Co-owner and Camp Director.

Picture of Jen, Co-owner, Business Manager and Camp Tracker Support. Jen

Jen Birenbaum

Co-owner, Business Manager and Camp Tracker Support

Jen started her camping career at Goldman Union Camp in Indiana, and completed her Bachelor of Education in 2004. Jen’s experience and considerable skill with kids makes her a tremendous resource to the Leadership Team.

Sol and Jen have a busy household with four children aged 10, 12, 14, and 16 preparing them nicely for the household of 500 children who join them every summer.

Picture of Jen, Co-owner, Business Manager and Camp Tracker Support.

Picture of Seth, Associate Director. Seth

Seth Cole

Associate Director

As Seth begins his 42nd summer at Walden, he is extremely excited for a summer full of continuing opportunities as Associate Director. During his time at Walden he has been Head of Swim, Director of Waterfront, Program Director and Operations Manager. He oversees all waterfront specialties and all aspects of safety in camp. Seth will continue to take on the massive job of Walden’s daily, weekly and summer scheduling as well as working with the Leadership Team to develop fantastic programs including the Walden Games. In his capacity as Associate Director, Seth will have the opportunity to contribute his many years of camping experience to the smooth running and supervision of the camp. Seth’s favourite meal at camp is the hamburger BBQ. His fondest Walden Games memory occurred in 2021 when he was able to watch his children co-captain together. During the 1990s Seth spent 4 years as a trip leader on West Coast Connection. Seth is currently a teacher with the Toronto District School Board. He is joined on staff by his daughter Sharon, who is a Colour Tracker on the Leadership Team! His wife Roberta and his son Jarred will be visiting their second home, Camp Walden throughout the summer.

Picture of Seth, Associate Director.

Picture of Ben, Head Counsellor and Camper Tracker. Ben

Ben Fagan

Head Counsellor and Camper Tracker

Ben looks forward to spending his 28th summer at Walden this camp season. As Walden’s Head Counsellor and CIT Tracker Ben has a very special role in supporting current and aspiring staff members. Additionally, Ben works closely with all of Walden’s canoe trippers to maintain the high standards set by the program. Ben spends his offseason teaching High School and can’t wait for another amazing summer at camp.

Picture of Ben, Head Counsellor and Camper Tracker.

Picture of Alicia, Camper Tracker . Alicia

Alicia Krumholz

Camper Tracker

With a heart full of gratitude, Alicia cannot wait for a regular Walden day. Alicia feel so lucky to return to a place of such beauty. A serene physical space but moreover, an emotionally captivating place. Laughter, friendship, simplicity, growth, independence, grit and fun can be seen in every corner. Alicia is especially excited to introduce Walden to her 1 year old daughter, Willow. After 25 summers spent at Walden, 8 years as a camper, 17 years on staff, Alicia is returning home. After her years as comic, zodiac and seeker counsellor, seeker unit head and CIT coordinator, Alicia joined the Leadership team to become a tracker. This summer she continues to work with the Seekers and their families. During the year, Alicia is a teacher, working for the York Region School Board, teaching Kindergarten with a focus on mental health and well-being. She enjoys spending her time traveling the world, playing with Willow, and swimming in Red Pine Lake!

Picture of Alicia, Camper Tracker .

Picture of Matt, Program Director, Director Walden Leadership Centre. Matt

Matt Sherman

Program Director, Director Walden Leadership Centre

Matt is very excited to be returning to camp this year for his 16th summer. As the program director, he can’t wait to WOW the campers and staff with unique and innovative programs! Matt also serves as the Director of the Walden Leadership Centre, where he helps oversee and execute many different events and private rentals. Bring on the summer of 2024!!

Picture of Matt, Program Director, Director Walden Leadership Centre.

Picture of Danielle, Lead Camper Tracker and Staff Coordinator, Director of Family Weekend and Walden Long Weekend. Danielle

Danielle Zelikovitz

Lead Camper Tracker and Staff Coordinator, Director of Family Weekend and Walden Long Weekend

Danielle is thrilled to be returning for her 19th summer at Walden. During the year, Danielle works in the Walden office managing all cabin placements, as the staffing coordinator, and assisting with the daily tasks during the off season. Danielle’s years as a Walden staff member have always been spent in the Colour unit; either as a counsellor, unit head, or tracker. She is excited to be returning as the Co-Colour tracker this summer, welcoming our youngest campers into the Walden family. Danielle is also the Director of several discovery programs that we offer at Camp Walden! She is the face of our Walden Family Weekend and the Walden Long Weekend programs. Danielle is so excited for camp and can’t wait for another amazing summer!

Picture of Danielle, Lead Camper Tracker and Staff Coordinator, Director of Family Weekend and Walden Long Weekend.

Picture of Nadine, Camper Tracker. Nadine

Nadine Collins

Camper Tracker

Nadine is super excited to return to camp this summer as a tracker on the Leadership Team! She is looking forward to building new relationships with staff and campers, continuing old ones and enjoying the outdoors with her husband Jamie, daughter Kori, son Drew, and dog Poppy! During her years at Walden, she first worked for the Walden Leadership Centre before coming to camp full-time as a Colour Counsellor and Unit Head. In the off season, Nadine works as an elementary school teacher for the Toronto District School Board. Nadine is looking forward to working and communicating with all her campers and their families this summer!

Picture of Nadine, Camper Tracker.

Picture of Lexie, Camper Tracker. Lexie

Lexie Reiken

Camper Tracker

Lexie is super excited to return to Walden for her 15th summer as one of the Zodiac trackers. After being a Colour counsellor, a Comic and Zodiac unit head, and a CIT coordinator, Lexie is ready for her new role on the Leadership team! During the year, Lexie is finishing her education degree at Queen’s University in the Concurrent Education program and is majoring in Life Sciences. Camp has always been a second home to Lexie and she’s looking forward to fostering cabin families for all campers and staff in the summer of 2024!

Picture of Lexie, Camper Tracker.

Picture of Jamie, Special Programs Coordinator. Jamie

Jamie Collins

Special Programs Coordinator

Jamie is pumped to be returning for his 24th summer and his 5th as a member of the Walden Leadership Team. During his many years at camp, Jamie has been a counsellor, unit head, CIT Coordinator, and member of the Program Team as well as spending multiple years as the Assistant Director of the Walden Leadership Centre. He is thrilled to be returning to camp for the summer of 2024! Jamie is dedicated to continuing to bring incredible programming to the campers and staff of 2024. He will be joined by his wife Nadine, daughter Kori, son Drew and dog Poppy! This will be the most epic summer yet!

Picture of Jamie, Special Programs Coordinator.

Picture of Lyndsay, Dining Hall Manager & Co-Kitchen Coordinator. Lyndsay

Lyndsay Cloughley

Dining Hall Manager & Co-Kitchen Coordinator

Lyndsay is thrilled to be coming back to camp for her 21st summer as the Dining Hall Manager & Kitchen Coordinator. Her claim to fame is that she was Sol’s “first new hire” way back in the winter of 2004! Lyndsay is completing her studies in Social Service Work and is very excited to continue her role on the Leadership Team this summer. Lyndsay and the kitchen staff are committed to providing healthy and delicious food while having the best time dancing in the dining hall!

Picture of Lyndsay, Dining Hall Manager & Co-Kitchen Coordinator.

Picture of Bethany, Camper Tracker. Bethany

Bethany Wright

Camper Tracker

Bethany is truly excited to be returning for another year on the leadership team! After many summers she has developed through the ranks from specialist to head staff, unit head, to tracker. Bethany came through the Camp Canada program all the way back in 2014 and has never left! During the year, Bethany is a certified personal trainer & group fitness instructor in Toronto training her clients to be physically and mentally stronger. She loves being part of the Walden community and welcomes everyone with open arms and a big smile on her face. Bethany is looking forward to being part of this fantastic team, and excited to bring fun and laughter to all campers and staff alike!

Picture of Bethany, Camper Tracker.

Picture of Melanie, Camper Tracker. Melanie

Melanie Offman

Camper Tracker

Mel is very excited to be back at Walden this summer! During the year, Mel works as a Chemistry teacher in Toronto. Although she spends a lot of time with high school students in the city, Mel has worked with every age group at Walden from Colours to CITs in her previous roles as Head of Camper Relations and Colour Tracker. This year, she is looking forward to returning to the Zodiac Unit as a Camper Tracker.

Mel’s favourite part of the Zodiac Unit is its fun and free energy. She looks forward to welcoming new and familiar faces to the Unit. In her free time, she is also excited to get in the lake and swim to the far raft!

Picture of Melanie, Camper Tracker.

Picture of Marlie, Camper Tracker . Marlie

Marlie Clark

Camper Tracker

Marlie is grateful to be returning to Walden for her 20th summer and as part of the Colour tracking team! Marlie’s background as an occupational therapist places her focus on supporting others with the aim of promoting their overall functioning and well-being. As a former swim staff and head of swim, she can’t wait for her first (and each consecutive) jump in Red Pine Lake. However, Marlie is most looking forward to connecting with Walden’s youngest campers, their staff and families and encouraging campers to try new things, grow their independence and build lasting friendships to have the best possible overnight camp experience!

Picture of Marlie, Camper Tracker .

Picture of Sharon, Camper Tracker. Sharon

Sharon Cole

Camper Tracker

Sharon is so excited to return to Walden on the Leadership Team. Camp has felt like a home away from home for most of her life, and she is so excited to return to camp in a new role! After being the Colour Unit Head and Head of Camper Relations, Sharon is excited to join the Colour tracking team and supervise Camper Relations. Sharon is finishing her Child and Youth Care degree and is already a certified Child and Youth Care Worker. She is looking forward to a fun summer where she can connect her CYC knowledge in a camp setting to best support campers and staff in having the best experience possible!

Picture of Sharon, Camper Tracker.

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Only 248 days left until camp!

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